Episode 1: Discovering Non-Voting America
In early September 2007 we touch US shores in New York City and move over to the political heartland of the US, Washington DC, for a crash course about low voter turnout in America.

Episode 2: In Line for Democracy
Our first stop on our journey across non-voting America is Columbus, Ohio. A single mom and her kids in a poor neighborhood give us a chilling introduction on what voting can be like in America.

Episode 3: Campaigning With Scissors
We enter the southern parts of non-voting America. In a small South Carolina city we stop by a black barbershop, that is not just helping out long-haired European travelers, but also the Obama campaign…

Episode 4: Under The Bridge
In New Orleans we meet Miss Donna and her son Dante. Since Katrina and the way DC politics handled the aftermath, Miss Donna has stopped voting. Who can make her vote again?

Episode 5: Run, Oprah, Run
We’re halfway our journey across non-voting America and it seems that lack of faith in politicians is a big reason why people don’t vote. Some Americans would rather have a talkshow host running the country…

Episode 6: A Day with Obama
Miss Edith Childs, a small retired nurse with a big voice leads us to Senator Obama. Attracting new voters is of huge importance for the Obama campaign and Miss Childs has a chant to mobilize them. Fired up! Ready to go!

Episodes 7 The Latinos are coming
We’re heading for the Western parts of non-voting America. Our first stop is Dallas, Texas. In a state that foreigners always associate with everything that makes America so American we stumble upon a changing face of Texas…

Episode 8 Uno, Dos, Tres, Democratas!
Nevada could possibly turn Democratic in the 2008 elections. A key factor in turning the state blue is mobilizing Latino voters. When we arrived in Las Vegas, Nevada the fight for the Latino vote is already in full swing…

Episode 9: Youthful Beginnings
Turnout among young people in America has been very low. The Obama campaign wants to change that, with Iowa as the first state in the primary season to show if it could…

Episode 10: Mail for Miss Winfrey
As Oprah gradually became part of our story about why so many Americans don’t vote, we decided we had to end our journey at her studio in Chicago…